Succulent Senecio

Succulent Senecio

Laying Out SenecioHappy coastal growers, Senecio are one of the most forgiving succulents when it comes to propagation. It's time for us to start a new batch, so we're going to take you through it step-by-step.

Senecio, pre-trimmingIn order to start a new crop, clip the last 5" of a plant that is doing well.

Snapping Senecio LeavesYou'll see that some of the "leaves" are quite close to the cut--these few should be removed. Snap these off and drop them in your compost pile.

Remaining Senecio StalkYou'll be left with a cluster of leaves at the end and a 1.5 inch stalk.

Senecio on the BenchOnce you've amassed a collection, stack them on your potting bench.

Senecio in the BoxPlop the newly-exposed stalks into a receptacle with at least 2" of soil mix (we combine our home-grown compost with a little pearlite).

Watering in the SenecioWater them in, keep them warm and safe, and wait for their roots to grow!